Jesus in Love values artists who create lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) and queer spiritual and religious images. Their art is needed now because conservatives are using religious rhetoric to justify discrimination against queer people. Click for artist profiles by Kittredge Cherry at the Jesus in Love Blog. This list is a work in progress.
Joy A’Che: Black lesbian prayers and art offered
Christine Bakke: Ex-gay movement as genocide
Trudie Barreras: Mary’s ecstasy
Louisa Bertman: Gay martyr Tyler Clementi driven to suicide by bullies
Sandow Birk: Stonewall's LGBT history painted
Ron Richard Baviello: Leviticus shows that religion can lead to violence
Douglas Blanchard: Gay Passion of Christ series
Ria Brodell: Artist paints history’s butch heroes
Mary Button: LGBT Stations of the Cross show struggle for equality
Bill Burch: Transvestite Jesus appears in photo project
Kittredge Cherry: Conservatives attack lesbian and gay Nativity scenes
Tony de Carlo: Gay saints, Adam & Steve, and marriage equality art affirms LGBT love
Alex Donis: Artists imagine Queer Lady of Guadalupe
Felicia Follum: Queer grace lies beyond sex and race, beyond time and space
Ted Fusby: Artist shows sensuous gay saints
Fernando Bayona Gonzalez: Protests end gay Jesus exhibit in Spain
Peter Grahame: Spirit-centered male nudes
Keith Haring: Radiant Baby (alternative Christmas art series)
Becki Jayne Harrelson: Lesbian Madonna, lover and son affirm Christmas
Wes Hempel: Artist paints gay spiritual struggles
Alfred Hrdlicka: Austria censors gay Last Supper after U.S. pressure
Jason Ingram: Ex-gay movement as genocide
Verlena Johnson: Divine lesbians show we are all holy
Deborah Kelly: Queer artist warns of god politics
Ryan Grant Long: Artist paints history’s gay couples
Alma Lopez: Our Lady and Queer Saints art attacked as blasphemy
Armando Lopez: Art honors AIDS martyrs on World AIDS Day
Jim Lyngvild: Divine love turns Obama and Putin into gay saints
Eric Martin: Seeking the “naked young man” of Mark’s gospel
Janet McKenzie: Conservatives blast inclusive Christmas card
Stephen Mead: Gay artist links body and spirit
Lucinda Naylor: Artist makes waves with protest art for marriage equality
Adi Nes: Gay Israeli artist humanizes Bible stories
Tony O’Connell reclaims sainthood by finding holiness in LGBT people and places
Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin: Religious threats to LGBT people exposed in Jerusalem photos
Gonzalo Orquin: Same-sex kisses in church: Exhibit censored and vandalized in Italy
Robert Recker: German photos show gay Passion of Christ
Paul Richmond: Noah’s gay wedding cruise pictured
Jim Ru: Artists imagine Queer Lady of Guadalupe
Gabriel Garcia Roman: “Queer Icons” show LGBTQ people of color today
Richard Stott: Gay artist paints “Intimacy with Christ”
Peterson Toscano, Jayna and Mila Pavlin: Transgressing gender in the Bible
Dirk Vanden: Gay artist paints inspiring Jesus
Alexander von Agoston: Sex and spirit mix on new Jesus book cover
Matthew Wettlaufer: New paintings honor gay martyrs
Andrew Craig Williams: Jesus has two daddies
David Wojnarowicz: Smithsonian censors gay artist when conservatives attack
Angela Yarber: Artist paints holy lesbians and other women
Queer religious art resource list: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Paganism
Two art museums explore queer Christian themes in new exhibits
LGBTQ artists of the past
Rosa Bonheur: Cross-dressing painter honored “androgyne Christ”
Artemisia Gentileschi paints strong Biblical women
David Wojnarowicz: Controversial artist mixed gay and Christian imagery
Censorship of LGBTQ religious art
Fernando Bayona Gonzalez: Protests end gay Jesus exhibit in Spain
Alma Lopez: Our Lady and Queer Saints art attacked as blasphemy
Gonzalo Orquin: Same-sex kisses in church: Exhibit censored and vandalized in Italy
Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin: Gay Jesus art sparks violence… and hope
David Wojnarowicz: Smithsonian censors gay artist when conservatives attack
California: Hate crime targets gay and lesbian Nativity scene at Claremont church
Columbia: Gay Nativity scene sparks outrage
Croatia: Lesbian Virgin Mary poster protested
Je Suis Charlie: Solidarity with those killed for religious images at Paris newspaper
Facebook censors gay Passion of Christ ad
Dwayne Booth (Mr. Fish): Jesus and Freddie Mercury support equality with “Marriage Made in Heaven”
Dwayne Booth (Mr. Fish): Jesus saves LGBT kids from jaws of clergy hat)
David Hayward (nakedpastor): How do LGBT people know God loves us?
Carlos Latuff: Gay Christ wears rainbow flag
Steve Sack: Pope mad at nuns and Jesus for not condemning homosexuality
Cartoon shows GLBT religious rights on the cross